Carl's event input page

If you are not carl, you want to go here.

Download .txt file of current data.
  1. Delete "carl_JSON.txt" files from your Downloads folder
  2. Choose a date and time, add details for an event.
  3. Click the "Update Data" button to save. The date and time will stay, but the other data will dissapear, a new entry will show up in the list.
  4. Repeat for all new events.
  5. The "Edit" button will remove the event from the list and populate the form with that data so you can make changes.
  6. The "Delete" button removes an event entirely.
  7. When the list of events is complete and accurate click the "Download..." link.
  8. This will save a .txt file into your Downloads folder. Make sure it is there.
  9. Open the "Terminal" app on your mac. Applications/Utilities/
  10. Enter the whole command from the email in gmail's sent folder with the subject "carlskcdance". It starts with: curl -F "carl_JSON.txt
  11. If you get any message other than:
      "result": "success",
      "message": "your file(s) have been successfully uploaded"

    Call me and we'll sort it out.
  12. should now display the new information. If it does not try a hard refresh by pressing command+shift+R on your keyboard. You can also right click the refresh icon and choose "Empty Cache and Hard Reload". If that doesn't work call me.
  13. Go dancing!